Where do I go from Here?

Saturday, November 27, 2004

East Texas...

On the Land where I was raised
The horses run and the cattle graze
Time passed with Amazing Grace
Back where I come from

Now you can lay on the Couch and watch your bro. play with his RC Car
Look out the Window and see the Dust fly.
Chalk your Name on a sidewalk
Or miscount all the beers you didn't this time drink
Back where I come from

Back where I come from
I know now that I'll never be back there
but I'm proud as anyone
That that's where I come from

We learned in Sunday school
Who made the sun shine through
I know all to well who made the moonshine, too
Back where I come from

Just Granparents on a Saturday night
Dad's Horses in the broad day light
Right and Wrong, it was Black and White,
Back Where I come from.

I know some day I'll Come back and visit,
with My wife and kids,
I'll show them all the places I used to go,
I'll show them Harts Bluff where I went to School,
I''ll show them Sam Parker where I used to yell,
The Civic Center where we used to stand, and
the Back roads we used to Cruise.

I'll remind them that In the Modern day world,
Some things are lost, like taking the time to Brush your Horse,
Or tip your cowboy hat to a lady.
I'll remind them that this is Where I come from.

I'll show them where Papa taught me to drive,
and I'll show them where I had my first Wreck,
I'll show them where I got my first Kiss,
And where, for the First time I fell in love

Some say it's a backward place
Narrow minds on a narrow way
I make it a point to say
That that's where I come from
That's where I come from
Where I come from I'm an old East Texan
And I'm proud as anyone That's where I come from.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I am Thankful for...

I am thankful for Turkey and Dressing, for Auto Financing, and Thanksgiving Break. I am thankful for Johnny Cash, for laptops, and Dr. Pepper. I give thanks for promotions, 2 tacos for 99cents at Jack-in-the-Box, and for Overalls. I am thankful for Pumpkin Pie, for a new Callaway Driver, and Electricity. I am thankful that it's only 2 hours to my Hometown, V8 engines, and 2% milk. I am thankful for the men and women that are fighting and dying to Keep this nation safe. I am thankful for Godly Parents who don't cut me any slack. I am thankful for 2nd Chances. I am thankful for a Conservative, Bible-believeing Texan in the White House for FOUR MORE YEARS. I thankful for good friends. I am thankful that even though I am a wretched sinner, I have a mansion in glory, through Jesus who is my Savior.

Monday, November 22, 2004


How blatently ironic are the trials and tribulations of everyday life? I can only speak for myself, but, after most of the consequences of my actions, I say, "Man, I saw that one coming." God has a very simple way of showing us our shortcomings. It seems like if we could just do a few things different we could avoid all of the Chastisement, but in the end, it's those little things we did wrong that are the pieces of the sculpture that God wants to chip away. Everyday I see things that I need to improve on, everday there are instances that I could handle differently. Everyday I have an opportunity, everyday I fail. I am such an inefficient being. I have to learn that in this life I will never acheive homeostasis, where the imput equals the output. I have mountain top experiences, and the deepest, darkest failure that sometimes come full circle in a solar day. I am all over the board, and yet I have a false sense of stability. Just when I start thinking I'm doing much better than some folks, I am humbled again by a malicious outburst on my account, or a complete disaster in my feeble moral code. Pray for my brother.

"Oh wretched man that I am, who will save me from this Body of Death?"
-The Apostle Paul

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Yeah, so I started thinking the other day that I have alot of stuff to say and no one to say it to. The absence of a consultant with which to share my daily "pockets of brilliance" and my "pains of growing" are the primary reasons I decided to take the blog leap. I guess another reason would be so I can keep a record of where I want to go and also where I've been. I don't consider myself an intellectual like Erin, but then again George W. Bush doesn't consider himself one either. The last reason for starting a blog, is so I can explain myself. I have alot of Different mutually exclusive segments in my life (we'll get more into that later). Sometimes I feel like I'm on the Truman show, only it's called the Bryan show, and everybody is watching everything I do. That's fine by me but I hope they have upgraded the technology from the Jim Carrey Movie, I hope they've implanted in my brain, a device that tells everyone at home watching what I am thinking. I look at some of the stupid things I've done and think, "I know I wouldn't have done that if I would have been thinking correctly." Not an excuse just an explanation. Anyway, those are my reasons.

I believe in...

I believe in the American Dream, In registering with pride for the Selective Service, and in Pancakes on Saturday morning. I believe in Working Hard during the Week and being off on weekends. I believe in Charcoal Grills, John Deere tractors, and Hanging Some kind of antlers and/or Horns on your wall. I believe in Questioning Authority, and keeping Traditions. I believe in Fried Chicken, Sunny Days, and respecting the American Flag. I believe in smart financial investments, and The Dallas Cowboys. I believe in GM Motors, back country roads, and Deffered Adjudification. I believe in a good Financial Calculator, Good Looking women, and Black and White Python Cowboy Boots. I believe in a little Coffee with my Cream and Sugar, Conservative Family Values, and Capitalizing Common Nouns in the Middle of Sentences for no particular reason. I believe in Shaquille O'neal, Chinese All-you-can-eat Buffets, and Homemade Furniture...