
Yeah, so I'm going to this property management convention in Tulsa today at noon until friday sometime. And I'm staying in a room with one of our area managers I've only met once. I am going to be in boring meetings all weekend long, talking about stuff I couldn't really care less about all weekend long. Good times though. I need a break from normal life. Hopefully I'll get sometime to be alone with God.
Psalm 46 says, "Be silent, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."
Does this mean that if Christians everywhere, slowed down, listened for God's still small voice, and realized with faith that we have a God that is POWERFUL, does that mean that the lost people in every nation would come to Christ and honor Him???? That may be an over-generalization, but that statement is in keeping with what I know to be true about the Bible and the God of it.
Father, Give me a burning desire to spend some time alone with you this weekend. Provide the time, the place, and the desire. Stir within me a revival and a resolve to reach the lost world. Give me clarity, in our time this weekend to think only of you and to just be silent. Amen.
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