SEC 2006 - Campus Revolution
Student Evangelism Conference
Harvest Church
Ft. Worth, Tx
July 28-29, 2006
The Conference was GREAT! We had a really good time and I think the students that went we're challenged. Shane and shane were awesome! Also, Starfield and Salvador play concert style. I was a little disapointted b/c Chandler wasn't there. I don't know what the deal was, but he didn't speak. However, the guyS that spoke in his place were really good. The Student Evangelism Conference has two goals...(1) to bring lost students into a relationship with Christ. (2) to motivate christian students to share Christ On their campus. Friday night was the big evangelistic sermon where a guy named Clayton (I don't remember his last name) spoke about spiritual bondage to sin using the NT reference John 8 where Jesus says, "...know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." He also used the OT reference with the children of Israel in slavery. It was good stuff, challenging and relevant. Kids came down in droves; I had the honor to counsel with a 13yr young man named Scotty who accepted Christ. On Saturday, a guy named Alvin Reed challenged students to be unafraid to share there faith. Overall it was a good conference, and an eye opening experience for some of my students. But I still missed Matt Chandler.
Harvest Church
Ft. Worth, Tx
July 28-29, 2006
The Conference was GREAT! We had a really good time and I think the students that went we're challenged. Shane and shane were awesome! Also, Starfield and Salvador play concert style. I was a little disapointted b/c Chandler wasn't there. I don't know what the deal was, but he didn't speak. However, the guyS that spoke in his place were really good. The Student Evangelism Conference has two goals...(1) to bring lost students into a relationship with Christ. (2) to motivate christian students to share Christ On their campus. Friday night was the big evangelistic sermon where a guy named Clayton (I don't remember his last name) spoke about spiritual bondage to sin using the NT reference John 8 where Jesus says, "...know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." He also used the OT reference with the children of Israel in slavery. It was good stuff, challenging and relevant. Kids came down in droves; I had the honor to counsel with a 13yr young man named Scotty who accepted Christ. On Saturday, a guy named Alvin Reed challenged students to be unafraid to share there faith. Overall it was a good conference, and an eye opening experience for some of my students. But I still missed Matt Chandler.
At 2:58 PM,
Russ said…
call me when you get ready to come up for a visit.
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