Where do I go from Here?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Where is home?

Where is home to you? I'm not talking about what is your address or your zip code or what it says in the category "hometown" on facebook. Where is your home? Home for today's purposes will be described as the place where you fit in. It could be a job, a school, a relationship or even darker things like an addiction or extra-marrital affair. Or it could be something as harmless as the NFL or a pet or even church. The question is, "where can you be you?" For me it seems like I have a bunch of different homes, and It's probably the same for you. I don't know about you but trying to spend time at all of those homes wears me out. I've got school, work, girlfriend, church, Etc. It seems like throughout the day I have to get into whatever "home" I'm in for the specific amount of time I'm supposed to be there and then I move on to the next home. I feel like a gypsy or better yet a mormon. Yeah, a mormon - a bunch of different families, all sharing my affection, duty, and support. This is very stressful on a person with an extreme one track mind.

Almighty God, You know what it is like to have many obligations. Heck, you hear all of our prayers at once. You are supreme, above all that I can comprehend. You must have a plan and a purpose for me. One thing I ask - help me to be faithful to you, to your calling on my life, and to the mission set before me. Amen.