Where do I go from Here?

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Jeremiah 29:11 mentions, "plans that God has for us." This is kinda the token verse that someone gives when life gets out of control, or maybe even a theme verse for a person who is content with God's omnipotence. I find the father is totally, unbelievably, wonderfully good, when it comes to his mercy in planning for my life. I look at some of the places I've been in my life and think I can not begin to even realize how he could love me. His grace is overwhelming, his mercies are infinite, they never stop! I keep thinking, "God, why do I deserve the place you have given me, my set of unique and wonderful circumstances. I am in awe that you had these plans for me." I can't believe God has been so good to me, when I've been so unfaithful to him. In fact that gulf, the difference in between how good God is, and how undeserving I am, just keeps getting bigger everyday. And God whispers in my ear, "I'm not even through with you yet!" And I'll worship him for the difference, for the gulf. Because he is increasingly deserving of so much more than I can give, and I am increasingly undeserving of the grace that he didn't have to give.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What am I going to do with my life?

I've been reading blogs all day, mostly of seniors who are worried about finding a job. Since I already kinda have a job this does not concern me. What does concern me however is the statement, "What am I going to do with my life?" Have you asked yourself this question? Surely if you are a senior you have, and even if you are not, you've probably at least thought about the capitalistic struggle that you'll endure for the next fifty years. The question at hand concerns me, not for the general emphasis of the unknown, but for the lack of direction this generation has. I don't really know how I will satisfy my debts or engage in trade to support my family, but I'm not really worried about that either. I don't think God instructs us to be worried about or to make it the main focus in our lives; what we will do with our lives. I guess one reason I do not ask myself that question all the time is because at points of intimacy with my father, I know absolutely that he will more than take care of me, my debts, and my family. And so the question metamorphisizes from, "what am I going to do with my life, to, "will I do with my life what I've always know I should do?" What we, as believers are going to do with our lives is hazy, but what we are called, told, and must do is as clear as can be. What is that? We are to do what Christ did, what the Father created us for; to bring Him glory. When he created us, he had not just a purpose, but our idivididual purposes in mind. God has plans for our lives that do not involve where we are going to make and spend our earthly wages. He gave us terrestrial bodies, and free will so that we could take the circumstances around us and a pleasing collage of our lives with it. he gave us a life so we could worship Him. So when you ask that question in the light of this knowledge, it seems almost infantile. We should be asking our question, "Father in what ways can I bring you the maximum amount of honor and glory through the situations and circumstances that you give me?" When we live with this question answered it WILL free us up to do what God instituted the human race for, to love intimatly, honor greatly, respect highly, glorify magnificiently, cherish lovingly, worship deeply, himself.