Tonight I began inquiring about the nature of the relationship between myself and the ever-existent Universe. More specifically the intendment of my being in and about the cosmos. Am I to traverse latterly among the multitudes in an exhaustive, but non-performing pursuit of self-pleasure? The answer to the query at hand, is an illusive one. The influence of materialism has permeated throughout the psyche of man to the extent that logic sometimes seems illogical, wrong to often seems right, and the battle between good and evil seems almost absolutely non-absolute. On the one hand, I am bombarded with unequivocally credible sources that point in the direction of greed, power, pleasure, prestige, quickly-gratifying "eros", and ultimately, a very pleasing, not so wicked-seeming blueprint to pattern my life after. Do I accept this as a conformity to the purported "successful" life scheme of so many others? No. I cannot. Somehow, I have to break from this deadly, humanistic cast. I must choose to disallow this "wretched man" to have the inclination to follow. I must break, I must lead, I must align.
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